Midnight Son

Showing Tag: "couples" (Show all posts)

Twilight Mania - is this a new virus?

Posted by Beth Kenneh on Monday, March 2, 2009,
Every where I go, whether it be the t'net or the real world. Twilight fever has taken over!

The local school kids are constantly debating who is the 'hottest', Jake, Jasper, Edward...........then one lass popped up and said 'Bella's dad is sexy'!

I go into a shop and the workers are batting on about how sexy Edward Cullen is 'He can suck on my neck, anytime'.....................even my hairdresser's are talking about it.........well, aboutEdward's hair :-)

Event the village knitting circle are...

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Fatal Attraction? Nope, just me!

Posted by Beth Kenneh on Monday, March 2, 2009,
What is love? Is it a certain attraction between two people? Is it the need to be with someone and does your body actually crave that touch?

I've come across an instint and possibly fatal attraction before, why does this happen? So many questions and not enough answers I suppose.

So, back to this attaction; I'd only met up with him twice before this started, the first day I was without him, wasn't a problem, got by with my usual business but the day after, I felt lost and needed to talk to him,...

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